

Tools and recommendations to promote obesity-related policies to strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes

STOP generates reports and guidance that provide essential obesity-related information for policymakers, legislators, and other decision-makers. Click the topics below to explore this content.




Coverage for Obesity Care

State-by-State Analysis of Obesity Coverage

In 2024 the STOP Obesity Alliance partnered with the Obesity Action Coalition to analyze how states are covering the treatment of obesity in their Medicaid programs.

Read 2024 Medicaid Obesity Treatment Coverage Report

 STOP Obesity Alliance conducted a state-by-state analysis of State Employee Health Plan health care coverage for plan year 2020/2021 for obesity prevention and treatment, including preventive services and counseling, nutrition counseling, drug therapy, and bariatric surgery  content.

Read the 2020/2021 Report


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Comprehensive Obesity Benefit

COB and Checklist

The present landscape of obesity care coverage is piecemeal, and providers frequently cite inconsistent and/or inadequate reimbursement for obesity-related services as barriers to delivering appropriate care. The STOP Obesity Alliance has outlined what we consider to be the core components of an obesity benefit package that are essential for effective and evidence-based treatment of obesity. Updated 09.01.2021

Download the COB report (PDF)

Download the COB Checklist (PDF)

A Comprehensive Obesity Benefit as a Guide for Health Plans

The need to confront the obesity epidemic and its impact on employers requires a serious look at how we address the treatment of obesity. This article focuses on the core components of obesity care and the need for employers to offer a comprehensive obesity benefit (COB) as part of employee insurance coverage.

Read the ACOEM Paper

Read the Press Release

New Publication: Benefits managers’ attitudes toward obesity treatment coverage

New research looks at insurance benefits managers' attitudes towards obesity treatment coverage. Benefits managers are a key stakeholder group with the ability to advocate for insurance coverage of a variety of treatments for obesity. "Findings suggest that understanding obesity as a condition caused by biological factors as opposed to personal responsibility and behavior is associated with greater support for coverage of all its treatments." The STOP Obesity Alliance's Comprehensive Obesity Benefit was used to develop survey questions about the participant’s organization’s obesity benefits.

Read: Benefits managers’ attitudes toward obesity treatment coverage

The STOP Obesity Alliance Shares Expertise in the Latest Guide from the Milken Institute’s Public Health Team, “Modernizing Care for Obesity as a Chronic Disease.”

The STOP Obesity Alliance shared expertise in the newly released “How-to Guide for Employers: Modernizing Care for Obesity as a Chronic Disease” from the Milken Institute’s Public Health Team.

Read the Report



cover- Proposed Standard of Obesity Care... report

Proposed Standard of Care


During 2018, the STOP Obesity Alliance convened a series of roundtable meetings with relevant stakeholders to deliberate about who should provide obesity care, where obesity care should be delivered and what care should be provided by whom. It was our goal to develop a standard of care to enable the patient to move within the continuum of care, as well as to provide assurance that patients have access to appropriate levels of care, regardless of where they enter the healthcare system. The product of our meetings was a practical, tangible, measurable and simple standard of care for the treatment of adult obesity, published in the July 2019 issue of Obesity. No comparable standard addresses the spectrum of care that persons with obesity need to address their disease.

Download the Proposed Standard of Care report (PDF)



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Changing the Dialogue:
Obesity Drug Outcome Measures


In 2011 and 2012, STOP convened several roundtables with stakeholders, including FDA, to transform the process used to evaluate pharmacotherapy and developed a consensus report that explored challenges in the development and approval of obesity drugs.

Download the Obesity Drug Outcome Measures report (PDF)