Letters from the Director Archive

June 2019 Letter from the Director

A Proposed Standard of Care for Adult Obesity

Many patients report that it is difficult to receive the care they need because the standards for obesity care.

May 2019

Rethinking Our Approach to Obesity Prevention in Low-Income Minority Populations

Over the past two decades, the NIH invested in two major multi-center studies aimed at obesity prevention in low-income Hispanic and African American children.

April 2019

Fatty Liver Disease and Obesity

Because the human liver filters toxins and redistributes nutrients, it is one of the most important and versatile organs in the human body.

March 2019

Ultra-Processed Foods and Obesity

Ultra-processed food and beverages have become a staple of the Western diet.

February 2019

Obesity-Related Cancers in Young Adults

This February we are pleased to join the American Association for Cancer Research in supporting National Cancer Prevention Month.


The Global Syndemic

The global increase in obesity is a visible marker of serious systemic problems with contemporary food systems, living environments, and social equity.

December 2018

Mapping the Landscape of Obesity Care Coverage

State governments bear a large portion of the direct and indirect costs of adult obesity.

November 2018

Obesity Treatment Devices in America

Expanded coverage for conventional obesity treatment modalities is a positive development for individuals with obesity.

October 2018 Letter from the Director

Addressing the Global Obesity Pandemic

Obesity is often seen as a U.S. problem, but it has now moved well beyond US borders.

September 2018

Pledge to Take ACTION for National Obesity Care Week

More than 93 million Americans currently have obesity, and obesity rates have doubled among adults in the last 20 years.